Memory Foam VS Natural Latex Mattresses

Here’s a couple of mattress takeaways: Memory Foam Mattress Vs Natural Latex Mattresses

This post is about mattresses and specifically about memory foam versus natural latex mattresses. Many people are concerned when they learn about the harmful compounds that exist in memory foam, such as toxic flame retardants and formaldehyde. These hormone-altering compounds are linked with increased risks to specific health issues, such as developmental brain disorders, infertility, obesity, and even cancer. Fortunately, there is a comfortable product that is not harmful to your health, natural latex. Now, natural latex is made from sap from the rubber tree. It is whipped into a froth and then baked into a foam. It is a natural plant product, not a petrochemical product. Memory foam is notorious for several negative characteristics; it’s piercing chemical odor, the off-gassing of toxic chemical compounds, and its tendency to trap heat.

Why is it like this? It’s a chemical reaction with your body heat that allows the memory foam to take its famous imprint of your shape. Without the chemicals and the body heat buildup, there is no reaction. This is the reason a memory foam mattresses can feel too hard when it’s cold and not supportive enough when it’s warm. Many manufacturers of memory foam have started adding other chemicals, called cooling chemicals, to attempt to address this overheating problem. This is also why many people choose natural latex instead. Natural latex is much more porous and much more breathable than memory foam.

When sleeping on a memory foam mattress the airflow is completely blocked and when sleeping on memory foam, you can feel immobilized. It’s novel at first, but after a while, you may feel as though you’re stuck in damp sand. And every time you change positions, you have to heat up the foam all over again. Sleeping this way causes restlessness and circulation issues. On the other hand, natural latex is instantly responsive and even more comfortable than memory foam for most people because it helps you sleep wonderfully on your mattress, but not feel you’re trapped in it, allowing for improved circulation and reduced muscle stiffness.

The big take away…!

  • Natural Latex – Natural latex provides a luxurious sleep experience. A natural latex mattress can be customized precisely for your body because it’s built-in layers. If you need to change how your bed feels, you can simply switch the layers out.
  • Memory Foam – A memory foam mattress is a closed unit so once the novelty wears off and your body begins to ache, you’re stuck. Whereas with a customizable natural latex mattress design, you can exchange any layer. Your options are nearly endless. Learn more about natural latex on this website.